Finding Peace

Finding Peace

By Dr. Alon Sitzer Calming the Mind & listening to your Body…. Sit quietly in a comfortable position, close your eyes, consciously take a breath in, hold it for 3 seconds and then let it go…. As you are sitting quietly and breathing, simply watch your thoughts without...
Free Air Living

Free Air Living

By Dr. Niki Davis As the warmer weather is upon us, with birds chirping and spring in the air, I can’t help but feel a little lighter, a little more pep in my step, a little more excited about the days to come. During the colder months, I do my best to get outside...
Food Addictions

Food Addictions

By Dr. Kim Scheuer Many of us struggle with keeping to our New Year's Resolutions. One of the reasons we may have trouble with continuing to eat healthfully is due to food addictions. There is some controversy as to whether food addictions exist. However, an...
Prevent & Treat Heart Disease

Prevent & Treat Heart Disease

By Dr. Jeffrey Pierce Great news! We now know, based on scientific research, that a low-fat, plant-based diet can prevent, treat, and sometimes even reverse heart disease! This is really amazing news. Way back in 1990, Dr. Dean Ornish and his colleagues showed that a...
Achieving & Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Achieving & Maintaining a Healthy Weight

By Dr. Amy Zacharias As we are approaching the winter months and holiday season, many of you are likely worried about the dreaded weight gain that often accompanies this time of year. I know that I always was. Some of you may already be thinking ahead about what diet...
A Plant Based Thanksgiving

A Plant Based Thanksgiving

By Dr. Niki Davis Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. My husband and son love to tease me by saying that it IS my favorite holiday… and maybe they are right. There are many reasons to love Thanksgiving – spending time with loved ones, eating...